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International tender: IK selected as DEGs framework consultant for ESMS development in client FIs

For the third consecutive time, Innovativkonzept has been selected by KfW-DEG as one of their framework consultants for financial institutions clients. The aim is to assist them in setting up or improving Environmental and Social Risk Management Systems (ESMS). Target group are both banks as well as Private Equity Funds (PEF). A particular focus is on clients with high risk portfolios as seen from an E&S point of view.


  • ESMS development
  • Framework contract

Client: KfW-DEG

Project cost: 550,000 USD

Time: 2016-2020

Service segment: ESMS Development

More Info

Carry out DEG co-financed technical assistance projects that comprise the following 6 phases:

  1. The development of an Action Plan that describes necessary actions to complete and implement the ESMS (Phase 1),
  2. Provision of assistance in improving the existing and/or developing the necessary tools / procedures / checklists, especially for Category A and B Projects (Phase 2),
  3. Training the FI key staff on E&S issues and to assist FI in the due diligence of 2 selected, concrete investment projects with high(er) E&S risks (Phase 3),
  4. Evaluating the Trial Phase and the ESMS implementation status, providing refresher training to key staff (Phase 4) and
  5. Providing ongoing support / final evaluation of ESMS implementation (Phase 5).
  6. (Optionally) providing for an evaluation of ESMS implementation status and refresher training, one year after (Phase 6)