
IFC Performance Standard 6

Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Selected key questions to be addressed during due diligence:
IFC Performance Standard 6

Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity

  • Has the client addressed the impacts on biodiversity?
  • Will critical habitat be impacted by the client’s activities? “Critical habitat” includes areas with high biodiversity value (e.g. habitat required for the survival of endangered species)
  • Will legally protected areas, i.e. areas designated for the protection or conservation of biodiversity (e.g. natural parks, game reserves, etc.) be impacted by the project?
  • Has the client identified any alien species which may be introduced through its activities?

Management of Ecosystem Services

  • Has the client identified the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems ? (e.g. food, fiber, fresh water, fuel wood, biochemicals, genetic resources – disease regulation, water regulation, water purification – spiritual and religious aspects, recreation and ecotourism)

Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources

  • Has the client obtained independent certification to ensure that natural forests and plantations are being managed sustainably?
  • Has the client obtained independent certification of the sustainable management of natural resources, or provided other independent studies to slow these resources are sustainably managed?

Supply Chain

  • Has the client systems and verification practices in place to identify where the supply is coming from and the habitat type of this area?
  • Does the client assure and allow for an ongoing review of its primary supply chains?

All IFC Performance Standards at a glance