What Clients say about us

We really liked the training alot. The part of “convincing the customer” was most crucial to us as many staff members have anticipated resistance from customers.

Before the training I was skeptical that we needed yet another training…but now I have completely changed my mind.

It is entirely your effort in making it so useful that there has been so much support. I like your suggestion for having atleast a part time officer for this. Pint noted.

Completely new approach as compared to other trainings I have had.

We have an Enivironmental and Social Management System which according to the experts is state of the art. And that has changed the industry. The private equity industry in Colombia now operates with the same standards which we brought to the market. … DEG was the one who gave us a non-reversible fund to hire a german consultant (Jörg Janischewski, Innovativkonzept) that they introduced to us which adviced us to create that state of the art Environmental and Social Management System.
Full quote in an video-interview (external link to YouTube)

This was quite an experience. Thank you so much for the great training. It was very informative, very well presented, plus enjoyable. We have learned so much from your training that will assist us in our E&S work with our clients. We came away from the training feeling so confident about the progress we are making with our clients.

Indeed the training was very successful and I must commend Janischewski and Aneta for their professional and friendly approach.

Thuy and Jörg were brilliant, combining knowledge and communication skills, making it alot easier for us to incorporate the new guidelines…

One of the best trainings, I have participated in……very interactive, lots of relevant case studies, fun to participate and yet so very important for us to finally get going…

I always wanted that my bank gets more committed to E&S issues and never new what I could do. I am much more motivated now, as I can influence the kind of projects that are financed in my country.

Selon les résultats de cet évaluation, nous pouvons dire d’une façon globale que la formation a été évaluée très positive pour les participants. Surtout les aspects sur les “cas pratiques”, la qualité des “réponses par l’animateur” et sa “préparation pour la formation” ont été jugées très positivement.

Whilst most of the work and drafting will be done by my team, what I would like to ask of you is to give the final draft a review to make sure that it is efficient, comprehensive, and makes sense. I would be pleased if you can accept this request.

I wanted to let you know that I am very happy and grateful for this brilliant tutorial.

In the first-ever Latin American Private Equity Awards organized by the by The Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association honorable mention was given to one of our clients for their particularly responsible private equity deal (“2016 Environmental Responsibility Private Equity Deal”).
Innovativkonzept Ltd. had assisted its Brazilian client (temperature-controlled logistics company) in the environmental and social due diligence for the investment. And assured that the investee company was guided in reaching an exceptional level of environmental and social performance. Among others this was achieved by making several investments based on the E&S due diligence recommendations.