Coaching a Latin America based Private Equity Fund (PEF)
IK has been appointed to coach one of the leading LA based Private Equity funds to adopt internationally recognized E&S management practices based on standards of leading development financing institutions (DFI) like the IFC and their IFC Performance Standards.
- PEF coaching
Client: PEF, European DFIs
Project cost: 40,000 USD
Time: 2016 -2017
Service segment: E&S Management System
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Among others, the coaching involved a review of the E&S risks and opportunities of the current portfolio as well as the pipeline projects, the formulation of E&S management procedures in line with the investment process as well as the selection and training of a designated E&S expert, hired by the fund.
Moreover, Innovativkonzept experts are now accompanying the PEF in their E&S due diligence of projects that are categorized as “high E&S risk projects” (category A), hence projects where a solid E&S management can make a huge difference.
The investment pipeline encompasses projects in the field of infrastructure development, oil and gas as well as health care